Ponytail Hats - Behind the Idea

The Cosy Hat

Ponytail Hats - Behind the Idea

What is a Ponytail Hat and why did I spend the time developing one that I love so much is one of the most asked questions when I meet people around the UK. I suppose the simple answer is I needed a hat that could deal with my lifestyle.

For years I was a rower and even represented my old club, Northwich Rowing Club up and down the country in major events, at the same time I have spent most of my life working with animals, from dogs to horses all who love to spend their time outdoors.. no cosy office for me!

Having what can only be described as a thick head of hair, the ponytail is the best solution for when I am working, horse riding, skiing or just enjoying myself outdoors. The problem I found was a ponytail and a woolly hat resulted in one thing... a hat that wanted to pop off my head at every opportunity that it got.

Designing the Cosy Hat I wanted two ponytail hats for difference styles, the first was a 'Slouchie' Ponytail hat that could be worn for fashion and the second was a 'Sports' Ponytail Hat that could be worn for work and exercising.

I'm proud of The Cosy Hat because it does exactly what I think a Ponytail Hat should do.. Look Great, Keep Your Head Warm and Keep your Ponytail looking great throughout the day, I hope you like them as well :)

Dawn Pattinson - Designer and Owner at The Cosy Hat